Wuddap jack! I couldn't resist but to give him... well... some Spirit lol I had way too much fun with this piece. I wanted to desaturated most of his colors except the scarf. It just punches it out for me. Anyway I hope you all have a great holiday season! And take care of each other! Peace and Luv!
ps. DAVE u have to check this program, you will luv this i'm sure. http://al.chemy.org/
It is one of the most interesting brainstorming program i have ever come accross!
All the tutorials are there to show u how to use it. And the program is free for any operating system. Andrew Jones i think help create this program and it is absolutely messed up (in a cool twisted artsy way) lol.
His city MELTS!!
That's a 'cool' (HA!) idea! I'd love to see him bouncing around town fighting winter-time crime :D
Muy inspirationale!
Arigato Dave San
Very nice! I especially like the cast shadow from his hat. There's a great film noir feel to this.
he's very lively! Love it!
I like it too! Like Flora says, the shadow from the hat adds a lot to this guy.
Wow great job Sketch! I love the details in the scarf! A really cool idea mixing it up with The Spirit. This is an awesome character!!
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